Tournament Placements:
Gaming Ranks:
Heroes of the Storm: SoloQ Highest: #173 EU GrandMaster PartyQ Highest: #3 EU GrandMaster Total HotS PlayTime: 2,000+ Hours DotA2 : Solo Highest: 3928 MMR Party Highest: 4166 MMR New Season: Legend 5 Star (Aka Diamond 1) Total DotA2 PlayTime: 1,000+ Hours Halo 3: Highest Skill Lvl: 47 Brigadier Grade 3 GamerScore: 1750/1750 Total Halo3 PlayTime: 2,500+ Hours Brawl of Ages: Three Accounts Above Diamond 3. Account- Weskimo: Rank: Diamond 2 Highest Medals: 2058 Account- WeskimoGod: Rank: Diamond 2 Medals: 2007 Account - WeskimoWPG Rank: Diamond 3 Medals: 1804 Games Played: 98 --- Won79 Call of Duty: CoD4: 9th Prestige. Adv Warfare: 14th Prestige. +Atleast 1st Prestige or higher on every CoD since CoD4. Total CoD PlayTime: 3,000+ Hours World of Warcraft: WotLK: DMF EU Server - Top2 DK Frost Dps (2010). Top 5 Raiding guild. 5 Characters above lvl 80. Total WoW PlayTime: 1,000+ Hours RuneScape: RS3: Cmb-121...Total - 1626 RSOS: Cmb 95...Total - 705 Total RS PlayTime: 5,000+ Hours StarCraft2: Games played: 700+ Highest Ladder rank: Gold 2 League of Legends: Hours played: 3000+ Unranked. Dungeon Defenders 2: Apprentice: Level 50 Monk: Level 50 Kongregate MultiTask Game: Highest Score: 340 GameLink: |